Red Sky at Night Sailor's Delight


Red Sky at Night Sailor's Delight, Red Sky in the Morning Sailors Take Warning



  • Stitch painted needlepoint canvas
  • 13 mesh:
  • ~6"x 12.25 " painted area
  • ~10" x 16.25" canvas size
  • 18 mesh:
  • ~4.25" x 8.75 painted area
  • ~8.25 x 12.75 canvas size



Recommended DMC fibers (purchase separately)

  • DMC Color List: 775, 800, 798, 820, 225, 151, 760, 335, 210, 3801, 727, 743

Please note - canvases do not come with fibers.  We've provided our recommended colors above so you may purchase them from your local needlepoint store or online retailer.  As all of our canvases are hand painted, slight variations may occur.